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Resolution adopted by the EPP Political Assembly (18th November 2014)
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The European People’s Party, taking in consideration the European Parliament Resolution on the 2013 Progress Report on Albania, and welcoming the Resolution on European Integration proposed by the Democratic Party and adopted unanimously by the Albanian Parliament last year.
  • Hailing the June 2014 EU decision to grant the candidate status to Albania;
  • Considering the standing ambition of Albania to move forward in the process of European Integration, subject to fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria and focus on the priorities set by the European Commission;
  • Recalling that political dialogue and cooperation remains a key precondition to qualifying Albania for the opening of membership negotiations;
  1. Expresses its great concern on the deterioration of the political situation that has led to polarization, lack of dialogue and cooperation in Alban
  1. Condemns the repeated and serious breaches of the rule of law by the ruling majority; the threats by representatives of the leading majority to the Albanian opposition, particularly in parliament; It is dismayed that physical assaults and life threats have been carried out in parliament by majority MPs with criminal records against opposition MPs.
  1. Regrets to see that the ruling majority has denied for a long time the constitutional right of the opposition to establish parliamentary inquiry committees in clear violation of the constitution, laws and specific constitutional court’s rulings.
  1. Deplores vote-buying practices by the Socialist Party as they happened in the partial local elections on 3 November 2013; rejects the majority pushed amnesty tailored on such crime and urges a speedy, full and comprehensive investigation of the case by the prosecution noting that the OSCE recommended investigation and prosecution for vote- buying also for the general elections of 201 It deplores the compulsory resignation from prospective women MPs of the majority to free the way for male MPs often with criminal past.
  1. Regrets that the territorial administrative reform was implemented unilaterally, despite a long tradition of consensus on the issue, and is concerned about gerrymanderin
  1. Is alarmed by the escalation of the unlawful massive dismissals of public administration officials and civil servants, particularly in the Police Force, seriously impairing the investments of the European Union and its member states to building a professional and meritocratic public administration in Albania.
  1. Urges the governing coalition, in respect of the separation of powers, to refrain from seizing independent institutions, to implement promptly all binding court decisions and respect the constitutional principles of checks and balances and rule of law in the country; It condemns the illegal and forceful removal of the leading officials of independent institutions including HIDAA, Instat, AMA, High Council of Justice despite assurances to the contrary the majority gave last year to the European Parliament.
  1. Expresses serious concern over the ruling majority acts at the expense of political consensus, such as the siphoning of two initially opposition MP’s into the majority ranks and using this unethically acquired majority to unilaterally change laws that traditionally were based on bipartisan consensus; this undermines the serious efforts made by the EU to establish a qualitative, durable, and all inclusive political dialogue, as a key precondition to European Integration of Albania; notes that last month the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe urged the ruling parties not to use their majority to bypass the opposition. The EPP calls on all democratically elected parties in Albania to respect the country’s constitution and laws and to support all institutions of the state and participate in their proceedings.
  1. Call for a justice reform that is based on broad consultations and consensus including Government, opposition and other relevant stakeholders under the auspices of the Venice Commission and other European bodies so that it fosters the independence, professionalism and accountability of the judiciary.
  1. Fully supports the Democratic Party of Albania, and its committed efforts to affirmative political dialogue and action.
  1. Appeals to the European Commission and the European Parliament to closely monitor and take appropriate action, as in the past, to help overcome the political crisis in Albania

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