United in

The promotion of the European model is crucial if we want European values to have an impact in a rapidly changing world. It is also the EPP’s responsibility to adapt the European Union to the realities and needs of the 21st century by setting the right priorities and by bringing the European Union closer to its citizens. For the EPP, a strong and united Union acting together is best suited to face this world’s many challenges and threats.
EPP Manifesto 2019
Europe secures our future

Delivering prosperity
for everyone

The economy should serve the people, not the other way around. Europe needs an ambitious, competitive and growth-orientated economy that can create jobs and provide a high standard of living for our citizens. The EPP believes that a dynamic economy must be based not just on numbers and statistics, but on the skills, talents and innovation of all its people.
A Europe for All: Prosperous and Fair
European People’s Party priorities for the
Multiannual Financial Framework 2020

A secure and
free Europe

We Europeans want to live in freedom, prosperity and security. The EPP political family has been to the fore of efforts to make Europe a safer place. It is the foremost duty of public authorities to protect their citizens and to uphold the rule of law in our societies. Our work is mainly focused on four areas: securing our external borders, preventing illegal migration, fighting terrorism and combatting organised crime and corruption. In these areas, strengthening the rule of law, good law enforcement, strong intelligence services, effective exchange of information and a strong and resilient civil society, firmly rooted in the core values of the Union, are a precondition to preserving and enhancing the security we live in.
A secure Europe
Combatting Islamist Terrorism
and Protecting our Way of Life

A strong Europe
in the world

The European Union was founded on principles that aim to safeguard peace, our way of life, democracy and prosperity, equality and human rights. The only safe world is a multi-lateral rules based world. As the world is changing and security challenges increasing, European citizens expect better protection against threats from the Union. The EPP has been at the forefront of promoting Euro Atlantic cooperation and a stronger role for the EU in defence and security. We need a European Security and Defence Union that addresses the security threats of today and tomorrow, focusing on our own resilience, tackling threats in our neighbourhood and helping to solve global security problems.
A Europe that defends our values
and interests in the world
Security and Defence

A sustainable

Climate change is one of the main concerns where the European citizens look to the EU for answers. Climate change is a reality, it affects all of us and the EPP remains firmly committed to tackling it. For more than a decade, the EPP has been driving the EU climate action agenda. The next generations are rightly concerned about the condition of our planet being passed on to them. At the same time, they are ready to act and contribute to the change. Businesses increasingly see the benefits of the new sustainable economy. We don’t need fatalism but ambition and action. Let us use this momentum and invest in a better future for our children.
EPP vision for a sustainable planet
Cutting the emissions while creating jobs
A Sustainable Europe