Members of the European People’s Party (EPP) gathered in Brussels on 13-14 November for a meeting of the Political Assembly. Chaired by EPP President Manfred Weber and EPP Secretary General Thanasis Bakolas, delegates discussed the European response to the migratory challenge, as well as collaboration between democracies in a world of rising authoritarian states. A discussion was also held on the topic of enlargement and on the party’s preparations ahead of the 2024 European Parliament elections. The Political Assembly adopted two position papers. The first, called “A European response to the migratory challenge: a new migration model”, was presented by EPP Vice-President, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Antonio Tajani. The second, entitled “Current geopolitical challenges of Europe: How can democracies work together in a world with rising authoritarian states?” was presented by EPP Vice-President and MEP David McAllister. Delegates also adopted an ordinary resolution on “Large Carnivores”, and three emergency resolutions on a) “Romania’s and Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen Area”, b) “Supporting Political Prisoners in a World of Increasing Autocracy”, and c) “Strengthening the Regime of Sanctions against the Russian Federation”. Finally, the Political Assembly welcomed the Croatian Demochristian Party (HDS) as a member of the EPP family.

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