EPP Foreign Affairs Ministers, co-chaired by Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, EPP Vice-President Antonio TAJANI and EPP Vice-President and Chair of the EP AFET Committee, David McALLISTER MEP met this morning to prepare the upcoming informal meeting of Foreign Affairs ministers (GYMNICH). They especially welcomed Mariya GABRIEL (Bulgaria), George GERAPETRITIS (Greece) and Luminitja-Teodora ODOBESCU (Romania) in their new roles as Foreign Affairs ministers. They also congratulated Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister Wopke HOEKSTRA for his recent nomination as European Commissioner. The ministers discussed primarily Russia’s war against Ukraine focusing on the EU’s security commitments and long-term support to Kyiv. They also shared their concern regarding the security and humanitarian situation in the Sahel region, particularly in Niger. Finally, they exchanged views on the next EU elections in 2024.

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